The first online coaching qualification 🎓

Personal training qualifications don't teach the necessary skills you need to be a successful online coach.You end up paying for a qualification you don't need and aren't utilising.& you're left trying to figure it all out yourself.This is why we built EIQ.EIQ will give you the skills, knowledge and application you need to deliver the best service to your clients online & to be a successful online coach.There is a huge problem in the online fitness space with lack of regulation.Anyone can become an online coach nowadays.. you literally just put online coach in your instagram bio and BAM. You're an online coach.This gives the industry a bad reputation and means clients are often getting a poor service best and caused harm at worst.We want to change this.This accreditation will let people see who has been properly trained to coach online.EIQ will help you stand out from the crowd online and stop you getting painted with the same brush as under qualified coaches.


We wanted to create something incredible that will change the level of coaching in the fitness industry.& we knew we couldn’t do this alone so we reached out to the top coaches & educators in the industry and asked them to collaborate with us.We can proudly and confidently say on EIQ you will be learning from the best.

James Smith

Dr Eric Helms

Katie Crew

Alex Viada

Sheli Mccoy

Diren Kartel

Tom Hall

Dr Ella Whitcomb-Khan

Jeb Stuart Johnson

Josh Taylor

Emma Storey- Gordon

Dr Emilia Thompson

Don't want to miss out?

Course outline:

* Energy balance
* Beyond energy balance
* Body weight and health
* Bonus lecture – PT Recap
* Plant-based diets
* Methods of dieting
* Do diets fail you?
* Bonus lecture – Introduction to research and the media
* Nutrition for hypertrophy
* Dark side of dieting
* Non-diet nutrition
* Bonus lecture – Body image
* Considerations for the menstrual cycle
* Women’s health
* Mindfulness in action
* Bonus lecture – Supporting behaviour change
✅Exercise programming
How to program for:
*Peri & post menopause
pre and post natalgeneral healthGroups
*Optimal muscle building
*Exercise selection for varying client experience
*Hybrid training (including hyrox specific)
✅ Behaviour change
*Cultivating positive behaviour change
*Coaching tools for behaviour change
✅ Anatomy and physiology
*Biomechanics & movement selection
✅Online coaching & delivery
*Coahcing groups
*Creating community
*Individualising group coaching
✅Client adherence
*Practical coaching tools & application for increased client adherence

Competed EIQnutrition already?
You will be eligible to bolt on the EIQonline coaching course for a discounted price!